Hopes & Dreams...or Blood, Sweat, & Tears?
I grew up constantly hearing the over-rated phrase, "Knowledge is Power". It wasn't until I took high school physics that I realized that the statement wasn't exactly true. It was missing a very important element. Knowledge can be described as Potential Energy. Energy that is stored, sitting, waiting to be put to use. But, until it is put into motion, it remains idle. It is only when Knowledge is acted upon or put into action, like putting Potential Energy into motion, does Knowledge become Power or Kinetic Energy or Energy in Motion. Merideth's article below, illustrates the point very well.
![]() | I saw this post in the Home Based Business forum this afternoon and it got me thinking (surprise surprise!):2 months back, I ate in a local chinese restaurent and found this message from the fortune cookie. "It is the hope and dreams we have that make us great" Right after seeing this message, I started to relate this to the movie [sic The Secret]. What do you guys think? |
Personally, I think this is a great quote, but one that is missing a pretty vital component...the one thing I would add to it is that, while hopes and dreams can greatly inspire us, it is the action and the commitment to achieve those dreams that truly make us great. You can sit around each and every day dreaming of a million dollar paycheck and want it with all your heart, but you will never actually get it unless you take action.
That is a huge component of personal development and wealth generation that people often miss or choose to skip over. One of the things I look for when I'm interviewing prospects is if they are people of action who are not content to wait for life to hand them the apple. They're going to do whatever it takes to climb up the tree, pick that apple, and savor each and every bite of it. Then they are going to do it again. I have actually turned people away who go on and on about how much they want that apple but expect me to climb up there for them and lower a rope ladder. True success doesn't work that way - it has to be earned. And trust me when I say that success is so much sweeter when you know you are the one who earned it.
Yours in Greater Success,
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