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Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Law of Attraction
Originally Posted Monday, September 18, 2006 on Merideth Cohr's Blog "Your Greater Success"

Both of the next two articles dwell on a very facinating subject. The Universal "Law of Attraction". It is my objective to not only give some insight to the phenomonen itself, but also to give a better understanding on how we can effectively use it, without falling into false perceptions. View the 90 minute video on the "Law Of Atrtraction" for yourself, click the link in the right it 7 times and it will change your life!........... George Marshall

This article speaks to me on a very basic level as it discusses personal energy, focus and attraction marketing...the key elements in all my marketing campaigns and my fundamental philosophy in business. It's easy to forget how much your attitude affects your surroundings, but it is a fact. People will flock to you when you display confidence and a positive attitude, and turn away from you if you display negativity or uncertainty. Remember that YOU control your fate.----------Merideth Cohr

The Law of Attraction

By Michael Losier

Have you noticed that when you need something, if often just falls-into-place or comes to you from an out-of-the-blue phone call? perhaps you have met the perfect client or life partner - just by being at the right place at the right time? All of these experiences are evidence of the Law of Attraction in your life.

Many of us use words or expressions that describe Law of Attraction experiences: out-of-the-blue, serendipity, coincidence, fate, karma, luck, fell-into-place, and self-fulfilling prophecy. If you find yourself using these words, that is evidence that the Law of Attraction is working in your life.

Do you have friends who are in bad relationships - consistently? Yet they're always complaining that they keep attracting the same kind of people. For them, too, the Law of Attraction is at work.

The Law of Attraction is, "You attract to your life whatever you give your attention and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted." This is how you can make it work for you.

With every breath you take, you are experiencing a mood or feeling – also known as a "vibration" - which is either positive or negative. For example, if you are excited, content, in appreciation, or feeling gratitude then you are offering a positive vibration. If you are angry, sad, disappointed, feeling poor, unlucky, or defeated then you are giving a negative vibration.

The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are presenting, whether wanted or unwanted. Law of Attraction does not decide whether it is good for you or not, it is obedient and responds to whatever you are offering vibrationally.

Over the next few days, pay more attention to what you are vibrating when it comes to money, relationships, job, career, clients, and customers in your life. What are you saying? What are you thinking?

Are you wondering what you are vibrating in any one area of you life? Simply take a look in that area and see what you are getting - it's that perfect a match!

Yours in Greater Success,


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