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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Another Little Gem - Does The Phrase "Law of Attraction" Ring A Bell?

An excerpt from Merideth's Blog, Enjoy!!! and take notes!...


Where's Your Thermostat Set?

There is a small handful of people that I've met in our online community over the past few years that I have the utmost respect for. I think their business values and personal ethics are beyond reproach and I feel honored to call them friends (even though I have never actually spoken with a few of them!). Tony Rush is one of these people, and you'll find that I make it a point to share his stuff in this blog as I think you'll get a lot out of his words. I know I do... Merideth Cohrs


From Tony Rush:

Want to know what the temperature is in your house? Go look at the thermostat.

A thermostat is a wonderful piece of equipment. You simply tell it what temperature you want it to be and -- if it gets too cold, the heat will turn on. If it gets too hot, the air conditioning will come on. A thermostat is an automatic, goal-seeking mechanism that's designed to produce EXACTLY what you choose to experience.

Your mind is the same way although many people don't know it. It is an automatic, goal-seeking mechanism that's designed to produce the circumstances and situations that are in complete alignment with what you choose to experience.

Want to know why your business is earning you only $1,000 per month? Because that's where you've set your thermostat.

Want to know why your annual income is only $50,000? That's where your thermostat is set.

On another thread, we're talking about how simple it is today for someone to accumulate $1,000,000. The statistics are that 1 out of 14 households is a millionaire household. Pretty cool, huh?

You know why? Because those people have their financial thermostat set for $1,000,000 or more.

Did you know that it's impossible for Bill Gates to be "just" a millionaire? Same thing for Donald Trump Because, if they lost all their money right now.....their thermostat would automatically produce the situations, circumstances, people and opportunities that would allow them to once again earn billions of dollars.

THIS is the key to success. This is the only thing to understand about why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Learn to adjust your thermostat with fingertip control and you'll never lack for money or any other resource in youir life.

To your IMMEDIATE success!
Tony Rush



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